Past Events
Winter Refresh in Teaching
Join us with the New Faculty Mentoring Program for a Winter Refresh in Teaching with special guest Justina Brown from the Center for Instructional Innovation and Assessment.
Fall Quarter Social
New Faculty Roundtable
TIME OUT - for New Faculty
Join us to take a breather as we near the end of fall quarter (Rm IS 244)
Coffee Break
Welcome Back Coffee Break in the Interdisciplinary Science Building
New Faculty Mentoring Social
Join us for Afternoon Tea in the Old Main Solarium.
FORUM: Campus resources that can help mitigate the ‘invisible work’ for faculty
This forum included panelists Michael Sledge (Executive Director, Office of Student Life), Kathleen DeNicola (Accommodations Counsellor, Disability Access Center) and Chris Edwards (Assistant Director and Coordinator of Outreach & Health Promotion, Counseling and Wellness Center). Valuable information was given about new and expanded programs and initiatives being offered by these offices.
When faculty are approached by students with issues that are beyond the scope of the course material and advising, knowing about these programs and how to connect students with them can be helpful in reducing the additional workload these requests can place on faculty.