Resources to Assess Student Learning
Links to Student Learning Assessment Resources
- Western Washington University's Academic Outcomes Assessment Plan
Directions for departments and programs to assess Student Learning Outcomes, with sample rubrics.
- Program Assessment Handbook: Tools and Techniques for Program Improvement
Western’s guide for faculty and staff on writing program assessment plans.
- Course Assessment Handbook: Tools and Techniques for Course Improvement
Western’s guide for faculty and staff on writing course assessment plans.
- Center for Instructional Innovation & Assessment
The Center for Instructional Innovation and Assessment provides another explanation of outcome assessment to some of the web’s most frequently used assessment examples and explanations.
- Making the General University Requirements (GURs) More Coherent
The CUE's visual structure and written
explanation for making the GURs more coherent and understandable.
- Course-Level Student Success Dashboard for Faculty
A presentation on the Student Success Dashboard
- Visible Knowledge Project
The Visible Knowledge Project (VKP) is a five-year project aimed at improving the quality of college and university teaching through a focus on both student learning and faculty development in technology-enhanced environments. The Project involves over 70 faculty from 21 campuses nationwide.
- The Teaching, Learning, and Technology Group
The TLT Group mission is to provide materials and services that motivate and enable institutions to improve teaching and learning with technology, while helping them cope with continual change.
- Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives
“Bloom’s taxonomy,” developed nearly fifty years ago, is still a useful guide for thinking about teaching and learning. This site, and others linked to it, includes lists of suggested verbs for describing practically any learning objectives.
- 9 Principles of Good Practice for Assessing Student Learning
The nine principles form the basis for distinguishing good assessment practices from the not-so-good.
- “What Do We Know About Students’ Learning and How Do We Know It?” by Patricia Cross
If we are to take learning seriously, we need to know what to look for (through research), to observe ourselves in the act of lifelong learning (self-reflection), and to be much more sensitively aware of the learning of the students that we see before us everyday.
- “Implementing the Seven Principles: Technology as Lever”
A discussion of the Seven Principles for Good Practice in Undergraduate Education in the context of communication and information technologies, by Steve Ehrmann and Arthur Chickering.
Additional Resources